Thursday, 9 August 2012

Pdf format for journals

I am currently in the process of transferring the journal into pdf format.  The reason isn't because I haven't anything better to do, but that The Liverpool Biennial have asked me to upload them to their website.  I've really enjoyed getting the old issues off the shelf and revisiting their content.  So far, i've transferred 4 issues into pdf, so only another 5 to go!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Big Break!

OK so I've had a very big break from this journal. Mainly because of tightening the purse strings but also having less and less time to devote to it.

I am, however, building a new website for myself for my artwork and will be starting to visit and write about exhibitions again. I'm also starting some research about art criticism and active engagement in the arts which I will be writing about too. 2012 will hopefully be a busy and productive year!